Hope for Widows and Orphans of Uganda

HWOU volunteer

Uganda Widows and Orphans Ministry

As we continue to serve the forgotten elderly widows and orphans of Uganda, we strive to fulfill the call of James1:27 “to visit widows and orphans in their affliction”.
We as followers of Jesus have a clear call from God to intervene in practical ways for both physical and spiritual needs of these elderly and orphans living on the fringes of society in Uganda.
* In the last quarter of 2021 despite the continuing pandemic globally, your support has allowed us to complete more than 100 home visits in 5 different areas of Uganda, to provide food, medical care, safe water, and spiritual support.
* Sarah Nakiyimba, R.N., coordinated the outreach with 5 separate churches whose women’sministries and pastors have joined with us to serve these elderly widows and orphans.
* More than 50 men, women, and children were able to enjoy a hot meal on Christmas day as they celebrated Jesus! What a joy to receive reports of elderly and children who did not go to bed hungry on Christmas because of your obedience and financial support!
Some comments from those receiving your life changing
I praise the Lord, He has remembered me”
Thank God for those people who still care for us in our last days”
I am so thankful my grandchildren will not go hungry today and
crying on their mats”
One of the first elderly gentlemen (John) that we helped for almost
a year, has gone to be with the Lord. Your support has helped make
John’s last few months of life some of the best of his life.
Please prayerfully consider what practical ways you, your family, and your church can be a part of being the hands and feet of Jesus to the elderly widows and orphans of Uganda.
Ways to Partner with Us
1. Support the elderly widows and orphans through prayer
2. Coordinating with local churches to identify those elderly and orphans in crisis in their church areas
3. Financial support through our website to provide food, medical care, and practical crisis interventions such as safe housing and drinking water.  Click here for our donation information.

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©2022 Hope For Widows and Orphans of Uganda